Wednesday 29 June 2016

Reduced effect of Insulin resistance in Mice by Decaffeniated Green Coffee Bean Extract


This study investigated whether decaffeinated green coffee bean extract prevents obesity and improves insulin resistance and elucidated its mechanism of action. Male C57BL/6N mice (N = 48) were divided into six dietary groups: chow diet, HFD, HFD-supplemented with 0.1%, 0.3%, and 0.9% decaffeinated green coffee bean extract, and 0.15% 5-caffeoylquinic acid. Based on the reduction in HFD-induced body weight gain and increments in plasma lipids, glucose, and insulin levels, the minimum effective dose of green coffee bean extract appears to be 0.3%. Green coffee bean extract resulted in downregulation of genes involved in WNT10b- and galanin-mediated adipogenesis and TLR4-mediated proinflammatory pathway and stimulation of GLUT4 translocation to the plasma membrane in white adipose tissue. Taken together, decaffeinated green coffee bean extract appeared to reverse HFD-induced fat accumulation and insulin resistance by downregulating the genes involved in adipogenesis and inflammation in visceral adipose tissue.

Coffee is one of the most widely consumed beverages in the world, and therefore the potential health consequences of coffee consumption are of great public interest. Heavy coffee drinking may result in sleep disorders, hypokalemia, and cardiac arrhythmias. At the same time, several epidemiologic studies have reported that the risk of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and certain types of cancer is reduced in regular coffee consumers. In addition, coffee has recently received scientific attention as current epidemiologic and in vivo studies have revealed its health benefits against obesity and metabolic disorders, especially type 2 diabetes. These health advantages are mostly derived from chlorogenic acids contained in coffee beans.

Adipogenesis is a process of mesenchymal precursor cells differentiating into adipocytes where peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ2 (PPARγ2) and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein α (C/EBPα) are the master transcriptional regulators. Downstream targets for PPARγ2 include adipocyte lipid binding protein (aP2), cluster of differentiation (CD), lipoprotein lipase (LPL), and fatty acid synthase (FAS), which together induce lipid accumulation and metabolism. Thus, inactivation of these adipogenic regulators may be a novel way to suppress adipogenesis and ultimately prevent obesity.

Another critical aspect of adipose tissue is that it serves as an endocrine organ, releasing biologically active adipokines. Toll-like receptor (TLR) 2 and TLR4 induce the expression of a large number of proinflammatory target genes. It was recently discovered that TLR4 can sense free fatty acids (FFAs) engaging proinflammatory pathways that lead to secretion of cytokines. Furthermore, several studies have demonstrated a causative relationship between inflammation and insulin resistance. JNK, especially, serves as a main mediator that leads to insulin resistance by impairing GLUT4 translocation. Thus, reducing the FFA level in blood and peripheral tissues such as the adipose tissue and muscles might result in therapeutic effects against obesity by attenuating not only adipogenesis but also inflammation and insulin resistance.

Raw coffee beans are rich in chlorogenic acids and caffeine, and their contents in coffee beans are significantly decreased during the roasting and decaffeination processes. Green coffee bean extract used in the present study is prepared from decaffeinated and unroasted coffee beans, making it a novel source of chlorogenic acids and eliminating the possible side effects of caffeine. There is no report on toxicological studies on green coffee bean extract. In a clinical trial, decaffeinated green coffee bean extract induced weight loss in overweight volunteers, provided with 400 mg/day for 60 days. Yet, further investigation on toxic dose of green coffee bean extract is required in animal models. Cho et al. revealed that 5-caffeoylquinic acid (CQA), a representative chlorogenic acid in green coffee beans, exhibits antiobesity properties in mice fed a HFD. Another study reported that decaffeinated green coffee bean extract, delivered through drinking water for 20 weeks, significantly improved HFD-induced insulin resistance in mice; however, the dose delivered to mice was not clearly indicated and its molecular mechanism on improving insulin sensitivity has not been examined. Also, the antiobesity effect of decaffeinated green coffee bean extract has not yet been reported in HFD-induced obese mice. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate whether decaffeinated green coffee bean extract exerts protective effects against visceral obesity and insulin resistance in mice fed a HFD and to evaluate whether these effects are derived from 5-CQA. Furthermore, we explored the potential molecular mechanisms of the health benefits of decaffeinated green coffee bean extract, focusing on the gene expression involved in adipogenesis and insulin resistance in white adipose tissue (WAT).


Coffee Bean origin & the effect of temperature on roasted coffee beans


Coffee is prepared by the extraction of a complex array of organic molecules from the roasted bean, which has been ground into fine particulates. The extraction depends on temperature, water chemistry and also the accessible surface area of the coffee. Here we investigate whether variations in the production processes of single origin coffee beans affects the particle size distribution upon grinding. We find that the particle size distribution is independent of the bean origin and processing method. Furthermore, we elucidate the influence of bean temperature on particle size distribution, concluding that grinding cold results in a narrower particle size distribution, and reduced mean particle size. We anticipate these results will influence the production of coffee industrially, as well as contribute to how we store and use coffee daily.

Second only to oil, coffee is the most valuable legally traded commodity. There are two biologically dissimilar species of coffee grown for consumption; Coffea canephora (robusta) and Coffea arabica (arabica)1. Whilst robusta is both less chemically complex and less flavoursome than arabica, it benefits from being feasibly grown at low altitude and is pest resistant. However, over 60% of the global coffee consumption is of arabica. In 2014, Brazil and Colombia combined to produce over 3.5 million tonnes of green arabica2, with Ethiopia and other African and Central American producers also making significant contributions. Including countries like Vietnam which almost exclusively produces robusta, global coffee production amounts to 8.5 million tonnes annually.

With the exception of unusual green coffee medicinal and dietary preparations, coffee is not typically consumed as a solid but rather an extract from the roasted seed. Coffee beans are imported, roasted, ground and then brewed (including instant coffee) in coffee shops and homes. In such a valuable industry, the quality and yield of the product is paramount. However, there are many variables that influence the flavour, yield and overall enjoyment of this mass consumed beverage. The challenges associated with ensuring coffee quality can be divided into two categories i) variables associated with the country of origin and ii) variables associated with consumption.

Besides typical botanical influences including climate and altitude, there are two general considerations that affect the coffee at the origin: the variety of coffee (e.g. Typica, Pacamara, Geisha) and the processing method (i.e. washed, pulped and natural). The variety defines chemical characteristics of the bean, and also the conditions in which it may be grown. Ideally, the fruit of the coffee bean should not ripen more rapidly than the ovum develops, otherwise the seed is lacking chemical complexity. Conversely, the fruit should be able to ripen in variable climate conditions thereby permitting the formation of the seed. Genetic variety hybrids are now ubiquitous and often feature the best of both of the parent varieties.

Irrespective of the variety, all coffee is processed in one of three general methods. The washing (or wet) process is the most common, and uses water to remove the skin and fruit of the cherry, leaving only the seeds to dry in the sun. The pulped (pulped natural) processing method removes the skin from the cherry, but does not fully remove the mucilage. This then forms a sun-hardened sugar-rich shell around the parchment (the thin protective layer for the seed). The natural process is simply the sun-drying of the coffee cherries with both seed and fruit intact.

Whilst the processing method used has a profound impact on flavour, the chemical mechanisms which dictate these differences are not well-understood. Regardless of the cherry processing method, after drying the beans are hulled, which exposes the bean by removing all the dry parchment, mucilage, or skin. The green coffee beans are then transported to roasteries, where the roaster develops a roast profile with the aim of producing the most flavoursome cup to their palate. The roast profile is a two variable problem of temperature and time, but due to limitations of roasting equipment and the inhomogeneity of heat transfer into green coffee, the development of a roast profile is more artistic than scientific, although there is certainly room for improvement in this area.

The roast profile shows the measured roaster temperature as the roasting progresses for the particular Tanzanian coffee listed in Table 1. The chemical constituents of roasted coffee depend on the temperatures of green coffee molecular decomposition. The generation and concentration control of these compounds is achieved through fine tuning of the roast profile. Whilst most compounds in roasted coffee are likely Maillard products, we present various pathways that permit the formation of acids, phenolic compounds, and also the cleavage of cellulose into sugar-related products like levoglucosan. The left-most process in Fig. 1 shows an example of decomposition of a chlorogenic acid (a group of molecules contributing to 66% of the acidity in green coffee) through low temperature hydrolysis, in which the formation of products depend on the water content within the seed.

Undoubtedly the extent and quality of extraction is dictated by the accessibility of the organic molecules contained within roasted coffee. Many factors influence the total amount, and relative proportions of the different organic molecules extracted, including temperature of brew, water chemistry and water-to-coffee ratio. Here, however, we are specifically concerned with physical method of increasing accessible surface area; i.e. the effect of the grinder.

Whilst routine in the pharmaceutical industry, it is challenging to both design and execute a grind to a homogeneous particle size in a coffee shop. This, however, is of critical importance in coffee brewing because variable accessible surface area causes the small particles to extract more rapidly relative to larger ones. As a result, brewing coffee is challenging with variable particle size, especially in espresso-style pressurised brews, where packing effects become important. Given the importance of particle size, we assess if bean origin, cherry processing method, and roast profile have any significant effect on the particle size distribution of the ground coffee.

Additionally, it was suspected that the temperature of the beans could also influence the bean fracturing dynamics, and therefore the final size distribution. Whilst ideally the beans and burrs would both be brought to the desired temperature, controlled active heating or cooling of the burrs is not presently feasible. To investigate the temperature effects we pursued the controlled cooling of the coffee itself. Given that many people store coffee in the refrigerator or freezer (if devoid of water vapour this is a chemically reasonable method of storage), we examine if varying bean temperature results in an observable modulation of grind distribution.


Why Take Biotin 10,000mcg Ultra Max Strength

Strengthen hair and nails: Biotin is paramount for growth of hair, diminishes weakness and fragility of nails. This natural supplement helps to ensure the adequate supply of follicles with other minerals to strengthen hair roots.
Improve the health of your skin: It has been observed that with passage of time our body lacks in collagen which results in signs of aging. Biotin helps to generate collagen and maintain nourishment of skin. By this way Nutrition Forest Biotin 10,000mcg helps to revitalize skin.

Wednesday 22 June 2016

A doctor weighs in on the healthy way to detox

The buzz about detoxifying teas, cold-pressed juices and other trendy products that promise to flush out toxins can truly be deafening. In an attempt to find the perfect plan for a pre-summer detox, DuJour turned to Dr. Richard Firshein of the Firshein Center for Integrative Medicine in New York City. He often recommends detoxes to his patients because of the many benefits of fasting, and says, "When you have all of those allergens and sensitivities, and you have all of these toxins and you eliminate them, you give the liver a chance to recover, and that's the basic foundational principle of a detox."

Despite universal benefits, there's actually no universal way to detox. Each of Dr. Firshein's patients receives an individualized plan of action based on extensive evaluation. "We use a lot of sophisticated testing-DNA testing, we look at toxins, there are biomes which look at gut flora, allergies, vitamin levels, levels of free radical activity, and with that information we're able to put together a plan," he explained. While no two patients-and therefore no two detoxes-are exactly alike, Dr. Firshein outlined some important basic rules to know before embarking on a detox.

Calorie count

Patients typically will ingest one third of the calories they normally would, and Dr. Firshein cautions that patients taking in under 1200 calories per day be medically supervised.

Detox-approved foods

"I use a gluten free, rice-based protein drink that has a number of detoxifying nutrients in it," says Dr. Firshein. Foods often added on top of this include vegetable or bone broth, a serving of mustard seeds, a yogurt, or even four ounces of steamed salmon with asparagus or broccoli in some cases.


Juice may be seen as the quintessential component of cleansing, but it doesn't always make an appearance in Dr. Firshein's plan. Sometimes he will add a green juice to the mix if a patient is sick and needs more nutrition than the typical detox provides, but he always proceeds with caution. "You want to be careful because a lot of commercial juices contain a lot of sugar," he says. "You want to check the labels, make sure that they're not getting more than seven or eight grams of sugar per serving. That's still on the high end-about a teaspoon of sugar-but to make it palatable some people really need a little bit." To put things in perspective, the popular BluePrint cleanse contains juices with up to 51 grams of sugar in a serving.

Detoxing vs. cleansing

These words are not interchangeable to Dr. Firshein. A detox is the process described above, cutting calories and eating only certain foods for a number of days in order to eliminate toxins. "In the cleanse I add in some things that really clean out the gut to clean out the colon, and that's why we have things like flax seed, magnesium preparations, or natural supplements like cascara and senna. That really just clears out the gut because for a lot of people they're toxic not just because of the things they eat and consume, but also because of the gut bacteria," says Dr. Firshein.

When to detox

"I think a reasonable approach would be every two months," says Dr. Firshein. "I think that if someone wanted to do it quarterly or twice a year, they're still going to get enormous benefits from it. It will help them reset the way that their body is functioning and give them the optional nutrition." It sounds difficult to cut calories so often, but the benefits can make the sacrifice worth it. "People go through a detox and then they suddenly realize-you know that epiphany-that they're feeling so much better, they have so much more energy, they feel more vital, they think more clearly," says Dr. Firshein.


Why Detox Waters Are the New (Better) Juice Cleanses

When a new fat-burning fad hits the Housewives, you know it's bound to be an overnight sensation. That's pretty much how most of the world was introduced to Dirty Lemon Detox, thanks to Carole Radziwill. In between white wine spritzers and green juices, the leading ladies of Bravo's reality franchise have been known to try out a number of crazy cleanses, weird sculpting machines (one Atlanta star even got her cellulite lasered off whilst eating a slice of pizza), cult cardio classes (and the occasional pole dancing routine) all in the name of *health* and the quest to stay camera-ready. So, leave it to Radzi (one of the skinniest RHONY stars, albeit confessed skinny-shaming hater) to make me want to try black water simply for "tasting great."

Come to find out—it really does. Lemon-y, slightly gritty (due to the activated charcoal), clean and cold—this is something I can get down with, because juice cleanses I cannot. Juice cleanses are not fun. At least not for me. After the second or third bottle, I want to call it a day and fire up the Seamless app, but I chalk that up to the fact that they are extremely boring to commit to because all you drink is, uh, juice. The genius of the Dirty Lemon Detox, however, is that it works best on a full stomach.


You heard that right—you can actually eat on this plan. "The activated charcoal and herbal extracts in Dirty Lemon can go to work immediately after you eat, targeting food and alcohol before they're fully digested by your body," says Founder Zak Normandin. "In addition to activated charcoal and cold-pressed lemon juice, the Dirty Lemon Detox also includes fresh ginger and dandelion root, which encourages healthy liver function."

Charcoal has been trending for more than a minute lately. Besides being found in a slew of beauty products for its toxin-absorbing benefits, it also boosts many more good news bullets:

  • It calms the stomach
  • It flushes out the kidneys and traps impurities before they can be absorbed by the body
  • It can benefit your skin, teeth, and immune system

As for how often you should drink the dark stuff…Normandin recommends after your last meal of the day and right before bed. Yep—two drinks a day.

Housewives aren't the only converted drinkers though. Jerry Ford, celebrity trainer and co-founder of the fitness startup Redux is also a fan of detox waters. "My two favorites are lemon mint detox water and grapefruit detox water," he says. "Grapefruit because it's a natural fat burner. I also recommend drinking the water warm or at room temp because the body responds better to this."

Speaking of grapefruit…Upon searching detox water recipes, I came across—a wellness blog featuring a handful of bright photos that look like they were plucked straight from an Instagram photo shoot and encouraging quotes that make you want to sign up for a happy life of detoxing.

"Everything you've been told about detoxing is wrong," writes Mia, detox enthusiast and founder of the 24 Hour Detox Challenge. "Detoxifying is NOT about drinking an Apple Cider Vinegar tonic for three days straight or starving yourself. Your body *needs* real food to be healthy and cleansing with a liquid diet for days at a time is not the right way to detox. You will end up doing more harm than good."


Well, amen to that.

"If done correctly, detoxing can help you lose weight, increase your energy, and most importantly, reset your frame of mind and end cravings," she continues. 

It also helps that most of them are delicious. Take the kiwi, strawberry, and cucumber detox water, for example. This one helps blood sugar support and digestion, whereas cinnamon, green tea, and strawberry is a metabolism booster. Plus, many waters contain a citrus fruit that's probably been sitting in the bottom of your crisper drawer for a week already, like a lemon or a lime. Add H2O, a pretty pitcher, and a few other ingredients and you're on your way.

Try one of these delish recipes below, or visit to stock up on a week's supply of their detox water for $65.

Orange Blueberry Detox Water



  • 1/2 Cup Blueberries
  • 1 Orange
  • Pitcher of Ice Water
  • Grapefruit and Apple Cider Vinegar Fat Flush Water


  • 2 Red Grapefruits (cut into thin slices)
  • 2 Tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 4 Cups Pure Tap Water
  • Ice Cubes (to serve)
  • Lemon Coconut Detox Water


  • ½ Cup Coconut Water
  • 2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
  • 2 Tbsp Pure Aloe Vera Juice Juice (NOT the gel!)
  • 1 Tsp Alkaline Water (Optional)
  • 1 Tsp Liquid Stevia
  • 1 Cup Filtered Water


6 expert diet tips to detox or cleanse the liver naturally

Whatever you eat, the liver has to bear the brunt as it plays a key role in removing toxic substances from the body. Moreover, eating contaminated or unhygienic food and water can put you at risk of liver disease. And hence, it is not only important to think twice about what you eat but also include foods that aid in improving proper functioning of the organ. What can be better than including foods that aid in cleansing the liver thereby decreasing the toxic load on the liver. Hence, our expert Dr Vivek Vij, Director and HOD, Liver Transplant, Fortis Escorts Liver and Digestive Diseases Institute, Delhi, shares simple diet tips to detox the liver.

1. Load up fresh fruits and vegetables
Eat foods that are rich in dietary fibre and antioxidants, which help in flushing out harmful toxins from the body, thereby aiding in normal functioning of the liver. Right from apple, carrot, beetroot and green leafy vegetables to walnuts and garlic, including these foods in your diet on a regular basis can help in preventing liver disease. Carrots are loaded with niacin, vitamin B2, which is required for the breakdown of foods and also avoids the re-absorption of toxic compounds caused due to the breakdown of food. Just like that, garlic is packed with selenium and beetroot contains pectin, all of which play a key role in the liver detoxification.

2. Use olive oil for cooking
Unlike popular belief, olive oil is not dense nor is high in calories. In fact, using this oil keeps you full for a longer time and prevents you from unnecessary bingeing. Moreover, it also reduces sugar cravings and contains omega-3 fats which is very healthy in nature, thereby lowering your risk of liver disease. And hence, the overall effect on the liver is reduced thereby aiding in the absorption of nutrients and helping in eliminatng toxins from the body. Also, beware of these 10 things that can cause liver disease.

3. Say yes to alternative grains
Dr Vij suggests that consuming alternative grains like quinoa, millet and buckwheat over the refined ones, might help in reducing the toxic load on the liver. These grains contain fibre, which plays a key role in clearing the toxins filtered by the body so that these harmful substances are not absorbed by the healthy cells.

4. Include cruciferous vegetables in diet
While leafy vegetables are undoubtedly healthy for the liver, including cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli in your diet help your liver. This is because, these vegetables provide high amounts of sulphur, which improves the detoxification process and also prevents liver damage. Here are 6 signs and symptoms of liver damage you should be aware of!

5. Do not forget turmeric
Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory compounds and also antioxidants, which aid in flushing the toxins from the body, which might lead to liver damage. It also protects the liver from the effects of excessive intake of unhealthy fats and alcohol consumption. Presence of curcuminoids lowers the damaging effects due to excessive cholesterol and also prevents alcohol-induced liver disease.

6. Start your day with lemon juice or green tea
Replace your morning cuppa coffee or tea with lemon juice or green tea for a healthy liver. Even, regular intake of aerated drinks should be avoided as they increase the toxic load on the liver. Instead, drink plenty of fluids like water, soups, lemon juice or green tea. The antioxidant and polyphenols in green tea prevent inflammation of the liver and the presence of vitamin C in lemons aids in flushing toxins from the body.

The key for healthy liver is to eat foods from all food groups like grains, protein, dairy products, fruits, vegetables and fats, limit intake of unhealthy fats and have lots of fibre-rich foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, rice and cereals.


Tuesday 21 June 2016

The Most Affordable Ways to Prevent the Signs of Aging, According to Top Dermatologists

When I saw my first forehead wrinkle, my immediate thought was "Botox!" But then I calmed down and thought about it with a clear head. Botox is expensive, and there are a lot of things I can do before I resort to letting a needle quell my anxiety about aging. In fact, there are a bunch of simple choices you can make that are way less expensive than visiting a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, and there are a bunch of inexpensive products you can purchase that will do the same job as a fancy $510 moisturizer (we're looking at you, Kim Kardashian). Here are the most cost-effective ways top dermatologists recommend to counteract the effects of aging.

Exfoliate your skin regularly.
"If your skin can tolerate the regimen, exfoliation, either physical or chemical, allows for the removal of dead skin cells, which gives skin a more youthful and smooth appearance. It can minimize pores and help stimulate collagen production, while also allowing for better penetration of products into the skin," says Rachel Nazarian, a dermatologist in New York City.

Limit how much sugar you eat.
"This might not be the first thing that comes to many people's mind as a way to improve the skin, but when you ingest sugar or high-glycemic foods that rapidly convert to sugar— whether it's in the form of an apple or a piece of cake—your body breaks down these carbohydrates into glucose, which raises your insulin levels," says Karen Hammerman, a dermatologist in New York City. "Simple carbohydrates, like refined sugar, white bread, and soda, cause your insulin levels to spike, which leads to a burst of inflammation throughout the body. Inflammation produces enzymes that break down collagen and elastin, resulting in sagging skin and wrinkles. Digested sugar permanently attaches to the collagen in your skin through a process known as glycation. Aside from increasing the effects of aging, glycation can also exacerbate skin conditions like acne and rosacea."

Stop staring at screens so much.
"Those nighttime Facebook trolling sessions have to stop. LED screens with a bright background light cause dark circles under the eyes and increase crepe-like texture in delicate skin," says Kavita Mariwalla, a dermatologist in West Islip, New York.

Wear sunscreen basically all the time.
"Not only does this protect your skin from continuous damage from ultraviolet radiation, but it will also give skin an opportunity to repair previous damage done by sun exposure, such as gradual lightening of dark spots," says Nazarian.

Buy retinol at the drugstore.
"Retinol is a staple anti-aging ingredient that stimulates healthy collagen production to strengthen the skin foundation to resist wrinkling. High-quality, inexpensive retinol products are readily available even at your local drugstore from companies like RoC and Neutrogena," says Joshua Zeichner, the director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology at Mt. Sinai Hospital in New York City.

Stop smoking.
"Smoking causes intense oxidative stress to the body and decreases the skin's innate ability to ward off damaging aging changes, resulting in a more wrinkled and aged appearance," says Annie Chiu, a dermatologist in Hermosa Beach, California.

Make sure your skin is never dehydrated.
"Use a good moisturizer daily with ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and ceramides—both of these will help decrease water loss across skin and assist in maintaining a healthy barrier. Also, don't overwash your skin. Remember that your skin is a very delicate organ, and using harsh cleansers can strip the natural moisturizers compromising a healthy barrier," says Nazarian.

Decrease the amount of stress in your life and try to get enough sleep.
"Stress causes inflammatory signals to be released and has been shown in numerous studies to worsen acne, eczema, and other measures of skin hydration and appearance. Sleeping releases melatonin, which is the body's own antioxidant and helps your skin cells repair and regenerate," says Chiu.


Rising Demand for Anti-aging Products to Create Opportunities for the Global Skincare Products Market Through 2020, Reports Technavio

LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Technavio analysts forecast the global skincare products market to exceed USD 147 billion by 2020, according to their latest report.

The research study covers the present scenario and growth prospects of the global skincare products market for 2016-2020. According to the report, the market will grow at a steady pace during the forecast period, driven by a growing product awareness and an increase in disposable income worldwide. The rise in consumer spending on premium products has also been an important contributor to revenue growth.

Technavio consumer and retail analysts highlight the following four factors that are contributing to the growth of the global skincare products market:
  1. Demand for skin lightening products
  2. Demand for natural and organic products
  3. Rising demand for anti-aging products
  4. High demand for men's skin care products
  5. Demand for skin lightening products
Consumers use skin lightening products because they reduce pigmentation of the skin and hide scars, discoloration, acne marks, and age spots. These products reduce the melanin pigment in the skin and smoothen the skin tone. In some cases, these products are also used to treat medical conditions such as melasma, hyperpigmentation, vitiligo, and rosacea.

According to Brijesh Kumar Choubey, a lead analyst at Technavio for cosmetics and toiletry research, “The demand for skin lightening products is particularly high in APAC, Africa, and the Middle East due to traditional associations of light skin tones with beauty. A growing number of men are also showing interest in these products whereas skin lightening products in the US and UK markets are used to reverse sun damage and for younger looking skin.” The leading skin lightening manufacturers are Beiersdorf, Shiseido, Unilever, P&G, Browne Drug Company, Emami, and Kanebo Cosmetics.

Demand for natural and organic products

Consumers now paying more attention to the ingredients in skin care products, preferring natural and organic ones over chemicals ingredients that could cause harmful side effects. In order to cater to this growing demand, many large companies are launching cosmetics with natural and organic products. Natural oils extracted from argan, marula, almond, and coconut are some of the popular ingredients used in organic skin care products.

In 2014, Oriflame launched a natural care moisturizing cream with aloe vera extracts to moisturize the skin. In 2015, Burt's Bees launched its Renewal Face Care line of products, which was made from natural and organic ingredients to reduce wrinkles. The growing demand for natural and organic skin care products is also encouraging new manufacturers to enter the market.

Rising demand for anti-aging products

People aged above 65 constitute 8% of the world's total population. This share is expected to double and reach 16% by 2050. The rise in the aging population will, therefore, play a significant role in the growth of the market over the next five years and beyond.

Many products have emerged in the global skin care products market that give results equivalent to age intervention facials. These anti-aging products not only reduce wrinkles, fine lines, and black spots but also improve skin texture, protect from UV rays, increase collagen, and help hydrate the skin. They also increase skin oxidation levels and protect from pollution.

High demand for men's skin care products

An increasing number of men are now investing in skin care products such as anti-aging, sun protection, and anti-wrinkle products. More than 40% of men in the UK, for instance, use facial moisturizers. In China, the facial products market for men grew at a CAGR of more than 20% between 2010 and 2015. Men are becoming aware of the grooming products available in the market and are using them to maintain their appearance and protect their skin. “Vendors are also launching products such as serums and eye creams for men, products that were traditionally launched only for women to cater to this growing demand,” says Brijesh.

In 2014, Johnson & Johnson launched the Neutrogena Age Fighter Face Moisturizer with sunscreen, specifically for men. Kama Ayurveda’s Skin Brightening Night Cream for men promotes cell growth and reduces dark circles and pigmentation. Other popular vendors that provide facial care products for men are NIVEA, L’Oréal, and Avon.

About Technavio

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. The company develops over 2000 pieces of research every year, covering more than 500 technologies across 80 countries. Technavio has about 300 analysts globally who specialize in customized consulting and business research assignments across the latest leading edge technologies.

Technavio analysts employ primary as well as secondary research techniques to ascertain the size and vendor landscape in a range of markets. Analysts obtain information using a combination of bottom-up and top-down approaches, besides using in-house market modeling tools and proprietary databases. They corroborate this data with the data obtained from various market participants and stakeholders across the value chain, including vendors, service providers, distributors, re-sellers, and end-users.


BeeLux uses local Georgia bees to produce natural skincare line

Organic skincare is in right now. People aren't just worried about what they are putting in their bodies; they also care what they put on their bodies. Georgia brand, BeeLux offers holistic beauty products infused with, you guessed it, honey and several other natural ingredients. The brand wants to encourage people to embrace natural self-care.

Owner Ashley Johnson created BeeLux because she was living an all-natural lifestyle and couldn't find brands with ingredients that were familiar to her, so she decided to create them. Johnson decided to use honey in her products after learning about different types of honey at the farmer's market. She sources her honey from local Georgia bees to create her magnificent skincare products. Her ingredients are simple and come from the earth to provide the most natural products. From bath products to face and hair products, BeeLux has it all. Johnson wanted to start a company that produced "clean, crisp, effective products that were created with the consumer in mind." It is also an affordable brand with items ranging from $8 to $35.

The Bumble Butter moisturizer is Johnson's best-seller and offers a natural SPF perfect for summer's beaming sun. "It's light, fluffy and lasts forever," says Johnson. If you have eczema, Bumble Butter, as well as some of her other products, is said to help remedy the symptoms that come with the skincare issue. "I started BeeLux to focus on natural apothecary, and hearing that something you created is out there healing ailments will always be satisfying," Johnson said. The Goddess Scrub is another popular item that helps remove dead skin while you bathe. It also adds moisture. For acne-ridden skin, the Chaotic Face Scrub might be a good option for you. Honey and tumeric help combat acne and cleanse your skin. BeeLux also offers a feminine wash that won't disturb your pH levels.

Johnson's products are for everyone, men and women. Mommies-to-be even have products. The Mama To Bee Butter is an alternative natural product that helps prevent stretch marks. Hair not smelling too fresh? BeeLux has a product for that, too. The Hair Perfume is also known as "the smoker's secret" to help absorb odors with light citrus blends. Another cool product is BeeLux's Yoga Mat Spritz that helps disinfect yoga mats but also doubles as a room and linen spray. All of the BeeLux products are safe to use and have no harmful chemicals.

By the end of the summer, Johnson plans to complete BeeLux's full line of body, skin and hair products. "I want to make natural goods a little bit more fun with a lot more healing," she said. BeeLux's line is constantly expanding, with new items added after they're tested sufficiently. BeeLux also rotates various scents. The current limited edition scent is Ginger Peach.

While BeeLux products are available exclusively online, Johnson said she is shopping boutiques to distribute the brand.


Natural formulations and changing consumer habits transform US facial skincare and anti-aging market

After years of slow but steady growth, the US facial skincare and anti-aging market experienced declining sales in 2015. However, new research from Mintel reveals that interest in natural formulations presents an opportunity for the saturated market, as trusted and easily recognizable ingredients alleviate concerns about chemicals, pollution and unfamiliar ingredients. New habits from younger consumers may also transform the market.

The overall facial skincare and anti-aging market experienced a 1.4 percent decrease in sales in 2015, falling to US$6.6 billion, with limited engagement from the aging Baby Boomer population impacting the entire category. Consumers age 55+ are the least likely to report usage of nearly every facial skincare product surveyed by Mintel [1], with one third (32 percent) not using any of the surveyed products (vs 19 percent overall). However, according to a recent report by the market research firm [2] consumer interest in natural formulations and changing cleansing habits present opportunities.

Lifestyle factors

According to Mintel, natural formulations have become central to the facial skincare and anti-aging market, as major brands and niche brands alike now feature natural claims on product packaging. Interest in natural beauty and personal care ingredients is on the rise, and natural product trends paired with the strong association between diet and skin is driving the emergence of food-based and probiotic facial skincare.

Actually more, consumers are interested in milder, more natural formulations and those that shield against pollution as one in seven (14 percent) agree that pollution impacts the appearance of their skin. What’s more, consumers also view lifestyle as an important factor in their skin’s appearance, with many agreeing that factors such as hydration (44 percent) and diet (36 percent) impact skin’s appearance more than using skincare products (26 percent). Another 38 percent agree that stress impacts the appearance of their skin, and as such, 30 percent of consumers look for anti-aging products featuring anti-stress claims.

As a consequence, consumers are most likely to be using or interested in using products with vitamin C (85 percent), fruit based ingredients (78 percent), oatmeal (78 percent) and honey (76 percent). Further supporting this trend, 72 percent of consumers use or are interested in using products featuring probiotics.

“Consumers are embracing healthy, holistic living, and our research shows that these lifestyle changes are driving the facial skincare and anti-aging market. In such a saturated marketplace, products featuring natural formulations are standing out to consumers who trust identifiable and natural ingredients,” said Shannon Romanowski, Category Manager, Health, Household, Beauty and Personal Care at Mintel. “The link between diet and skin is evident, and as consumers increasingly associate their lifestyle with their skin’s appearance, product formulations with added food-based ingredients and vitamins stand out among the competition.”

Blurred boundaries

Furthermore, Mintel research reveals that saturation in the facial skincare and anti-aging market is occurring as benefits in traditional moisturizers, anti-aging products and specialized products blur category segments. Products such as daily use moisturizers now integrate anti-aging benefits, leading to a decline in sales of strictly defined anti-aging treatments. In fact, while anti-aging is still the largest segment in the category, it saw sales decrease 6.3 percent 2014-15. Further, 21 percent of consumers do not use and are not interested in using anti-aging products compared to 18 percent of consumers who use them.

While lip balm has been one of the most dynamic and fastest growing segments of the category, with sales increasing 55 percent from 2010-14, the segment faltered in 2015 as sales declined 3 percent due, in part, to competition from coloured cosmetics (e.g. tints, gloss, lipstick) with moisturizing and protective qualities undercutting sales. Reported usage of lip balm took a slight dip from 2014-15, dropping from 52 percent to 49 percent of consumers using these products.

New skin cleansing habits

Meanwhile, facial cleansers continue to gain market share from the anti-aging segment. The cleanser segment is currently the fastest growing in the market, increasing sales 4.6 percent 2014-15 to reach $1.8 billion. Anti-aging products are also losing market share to moisturizers, which experienced an uptick of sales of 2.9 percent 2014-15, amassing US$765 million.

As the facial cleanser segment increases market share, no-rinse cleansers are poised for growth. Mintel research reveals that while just 8 percent of adults currently use cleansing waters (also referred to as micellar waters), this increases to 14 percent of consumers age 18-34. And consumers view cleansing waters favourably, with many agreeing that they are refreshing (45 percent), safe for sensitive skin (43 percent) and more gentle (39 percent) than rinse-off cleansers. However, there are barriers to usage: nearly half (46 percent) of consumers perceive these products as more expensive than rinse-off cleansers and one quarter (28 percent) agree they have confusing usage instructions.

“While the facial skincare category has experienced tepid sales over the years, in 2015 we saw declines for the first time in five years. Moving forward, the category’s success will rely on younger consumers and the growing facial cleanser segment, with an emphasis on natural, recognizable ingredients and innovation like ‘waterless cleansing.’ To broaden the appeal of these products, brands should be proactive in addressing concerns surrounding cost and usage instructions,” concluded Romanowski.


Monday 20 June 2016

How To Lose Love Handles FAST At Home

You exercise regularly, count calories, and limit the carbs you eat but it does not make any difference. No matter what you do you just can’t seem to lose those stubborn love handles.  What makes it worse is you are following the advice of all the “experts” while still getting lackluster results.  That hopeless feeling sets in and you are ready to give up…

Sound familiar?

Well you are not alone.  This is exactly the same feeling millions of people face every year when trying to lose excess body fat.  The reason it is so hard is due to that fact people commonly think of fat in food as being a bad thing.
The word “Fat” has received a lot of bad press over the years.  Just think about all the foods you will commonly see in a grocery store.  Many of these foods will say “low-fat” or “fat-free” because the marketing teams behind these products understand the widespread negativity for this word.
The problem is we actually need to consume fats in order to lose weight.  I know it sounds ridiculous but it is true.   Matter of fact research suggests you should actually consume about 30% of your calorie intake as fat.  A gram of fat has about 9 calories so a 2000 calorie diet will be about 67 grams of fat per day.

Now before your skeptical gene kicks and makes you feel doubtful about eating more fat it is important to note that not all fats are created equal.  You can’t just go out and start eating a high fat diet without understanding which types of fats you should be eating.

The 4 Types of Fats Found in Food:

Saturated Fat – This type of fat is found mostly in animal foods, such as most dairy products and meat. Saturated fat is solid at room temperature, which is why it is also known as "solid fat." Red meat typically contains more saturated fat than poultry or fish.
 This fat is also in tropical oils, such as coconut oil, palm oil, and cocoa butter.  Foods made with butter, margarine, or shortening (cakes, cookies, and other desserts) have a lot of saturated fat. It can also raise your cholesterol.  You should try to keep your daily calorie intake from saturated fats below 10% of total daily calorie values.

Trans-Fat - This is a fat that has been changed by hydrogenation. This increases the shelf life of the fat while making it harder at room temperature.  This is important because harder fats make crispier crackers and flakier pie crusts. This fat can also raise your cholesterol, so try to limit your intake as much as possible. You can find Trans-Fat in: Processed foods, most snack foods, some forms of margarine, and shortening.

Polyunsaturated Fat - This type of fat is mainly in vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, sesame, soybean, and corn oils. Polyunsaturated fat is also the main fat found in seafood.  This fat may lower LDL cholesterol. The two types of polyunsaturated fats are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: These are found in plant-based foods like soybean oil, canola oil, walnuts, and flaxseed.  They are also found in fatty fish and shellfish.  Here is a list of some common places to find this fat.  Salmon, anchovies, herring, sardines, Pacific oysters, trout, Atlantic mackerel, and Pacific mackerel are all high in Omega-3 Fatty Acids. It is suggested you consume 8 ounces or more of these types of fish a week.

Omega-6 Fatty Acids:  Found mostly in liquid vegetable oils like soybean oil, corn oil, and safflower oil. Omega-6 Fatty Acids play a crucial role in brain function, and normal growth and development. 
It is suggested to consume between 12-18 grams of Omega-6 per day, and 1-2 grams of Omega-3 per day. 

Monounsaturated Fat - This fat is in avocado, nuts, and vegetable oils, such as canola, olive, and peanut oils.  This is one of the best fats to consume.  When you consume this type of fat you can lower your "bad" LDL cholesterol. These fats may also keep "good" HDL cholesterol levels high.  The bulk of your daily fat consumption should come from monounsaturated fats.
Now that you know the 4 types of fat you should try to limit or avoid saturated fats and trans fats from your diet.  Since fat is either converted to energy or stored on the body you want to avoid these fats because they tend to accumulate quickly and are harder to convert to energy.
However, this is easier said than done.  Saturated fats and trans fats are found in most of the really addictive foods such as pizza, cookies, candy, chips, etc..
The bad news is It is easy to see why it is so hard to cut back or eliminate these foods from our diets.  They are cheap, convenient, and taste really good.  This makes it nearly impossible to cut these fats out of your diet.
The main reason is emotion.  These fats have been proven to be highly addictive to emotional eaters due to the incredible flavors they provide.  This is why when you are feeling down you crave foods that are really bad for you.
The good news is there is a way to eliminate the cravings for these fats.  That secret is HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid)

What does HCA do?
HCA supresses your appetite by inhibiting a key enzyme (Citrate lyase) that your body uses to turn glucose into fat. HCA stops the fat-making process and the production of LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides decrease.
HCA also increases your serotonin levels.  Serotonin is a neurotransmitter in your brain that makes you feel good. By increasing serotonin levels, HCA improves mood and suppresses emotional eating during stressful times.
Right now the best way to get HCA is through Garcinia Cambogia.  However, you want to make sure you are only taking Garcinia Cambogia that contains 60% HCA and is made with no fillers, binders or artificial ingredients. 
This why we recommend Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract.


Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract - The All-New 100% Natural Formula, Simply a Fast Way to Burn Fat

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract A natural supplement holding naturally effective and fastest weight loss solutions

The health company brings the premium quality herbal supplements ”Garcinia Cambogi” with extra strength 60% Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) extract to decrease food cravings thereby burning body fat.

Pure Garcinia Cambogia Extract is a pure formula to beat the burns off with all its natural qualities in a healthy and natural way. It is made with 100% natural ingredients from the highest premium quality.

The Pure Garcninia Cambogia is a weight loss supplement. It is a tried and tested miraculous pill that burns fats off the body all the way too fast. The magical key ingredient serving as weight loss element is HCA (Hydroxycitric Acid) which is said to be derived from a tamarind fruit known to be Garcinia Cambogia.

Does Garcinia Cambogia Actually Cause Weight Loss in Humans?

How Does The Supplement Work?

The extract from tropical fruit Garcinia Cambogia mainly consists of the HCA ingredient which also does most of the work for weight loss. HCA inhibits the formation of fat by converting the carbohydrates into energy. This makes us grow strength from within and feel less tired all the time. There are only natural extracts added to the Pure Garcinia Cambogia supplements which will also never cause side effects to the patients.

Also Serotonin levels are improved to make us feel good thereby decreasing any kind of stress. This will decrease belly fat and make the process work even better. Overall the natural and safe supplement is added with calcium and potassium to endure absorption takes place. The supplement has been certified by the FDA for treating weight loss and is not known to have caused any disaster to the participants.

Garcinia Cambogia, also known as brindleberry, is basically a miraculously magic fruit that researcher found in the exotic jungles of Southeast Asia. It looks like a small pumpkin fruit or tamarind fruit, and is green to pale yellow in colour. It magically helps losing weight with all its natural characteristics. The best part about Garcinia Cambogia is that it has absolutely no side effects involved, as it is in its real, pure and natural form. This new research about Garcinia Cambogia has shocked the observers as it does wonders when it comes to losing weight without any side effects.

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Observers noticed that this fruit was eaten raw in its natural form or as flavouring agent, and the people who ate it seemed to be the healthiest people of the region. The makers of Garcinia Cambogia have uncovered the secrets to this local legend of Southeast Asia and made the most effective and all natural weight loss supplement. Now its not so hard to lose weight!

What is recommended Dosage for Garcinia Cambogia?

Garcinia Cambogia Pure extract supplements are recommended to be taken before meals thrice in a day for best results. The maximum allowed dosage is 3000mg per day which should only be reached by consulting a physician. However the patients with blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes or any other health issue should not take the supplement to avoid any serious reactions caused.

Even over the counter medicines should not be taken with the supplements intake as there could be any body reactions taking place. The dosage should be taken with a glass full of water before meals so as to make stomach working to absorb it beforehand. People will notice a gradual decrease in appetite with the use of this supplement which should be continued for results.

Controlling emotional eating is the most common issue for people with stress and anxiety. Like every other weight loss therapy, Garcinia Cambogia supplement reduces weight by boosting the body metabolism after suppressing the diet intake and converting gluten into energy. Researchers have proved that emotional eating is the main factor involved in weight gain which makes people even more depressed with their weight issues. A quality product like Garcinia Cambogia helps us recover from this problem improving moods as well.

26 Weight Loss Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based

Garcinia Cambogia and HCA have been studied extensively since the 1900s. Researchers have found an interesting extract in Garcinia Cambogia fruit, called Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA). HCA is found to be a powerful weight loss agent in two ways. Firstly, it serves as a preventive solution for the synthesis of extra calories in the body that helps eliminates fats and secondly, it is said to be the suppressive agent for the appetite.

Researchers gives an explanation to these by saying that there is an enzyme in human species called Citrate Lyase which helps turn the calories-loaded snack foods into fats. Now here, HCA aims to prevent this enzyme from storing more stored fats than one’s body needs. This way, more tasty foods can be burnt as fuels rather than being stored.

Researchers are also encouraged by HCA’s ability to increase serotonin level, which is basically a neurotransmitter in brain which helps brighten up moods. By means of increasing serotonin levels, HCA improves mood and suppress emotional eating during times of stress. HCA also tends to slowdown the process of carbohydrate absorption.

Are the Results Guaranteed?

People may wonder about the effectiveness of Garcinia Cambogia Pure extract supplement as there are multiple of others not working for good. Many supplements meant for weight loss are actually a waste of time and money s they cause many side effects like allergic reactions to the body making the minor weight loss regrettable. This supplement is natural and 100% safe to work at its best and the results are guaranteed.

There is also 90 days money back guarantee in case people still not believe in its working ability. Customers are always valued by the health company and their satisfaction is their top most priority. The company guarantees that the product will work causing no side effect only if taken as prescribed. Important notes should be taken as directions for the supplement intake. It is also clearly mentioned that the supplement is meant for weight loss of men of women both and there is no difference in the directions.

However pregnant or lactating women should avoid taking it as it can cause adversely on health. Garcinia Cambogia is more famous as it boosts energy levels apart from burning fat and losing weight which is most essential for participants.

6 Foods to Eat Before Bed (will help you lose weight)

Garcinia Cambogia is a powerful natural fruit giving out maximum results in such a way that it has quickly become one of the hottest natural weight loss supplements in a very short span of time.

Garcinia Cambogia Pure Extract is natural and 100% pure. It is produced meticulously in a certified laboratory that tends to take an extra effort not to add any additives, fillers, binders or artificial ingredients of any sort. It has been added no caffeine or any other unwanted ingredients. Since it is so natural and all-pure, it has no side effects involved. Garcinia Cambogia is made equally effective for both men and women. It is a 1000 mg weight loss supplement with 90 capsules. It is like a 1000 mg extract strength per capsule taken. Garcinia Cambogia is a fat burning and appetite control solution that brings out 100% results by burning fat in a faster way.

The Garcinia Cambogia is an all new discovery which helps eliminates fats with its natural qualities never revealed before. It is a risk-free formula to absolute healthy body alongside its weight losing powers.

Discounted Price for Garcinia Cambogia Herbal Supplement

The herbal supplement comes in a 60 capsules bottle size which is discounted for the price of $14.95 only for limited time. Pure and natural capsules made from the Garcinia Cambogia extract will maintain healthy blood levels improving overall health. There are no added artificial ingredients to the product which ensures health safety of patients. The health company produces two products from Garcinia Cambogia extract purposing it for same weight loss reason. Try to avail the discounted offer before it ends and make best use of it.


13 Best Weight Loss Gadgets for 2016

These are the best weight loss gadgets that you can buy to help you lose weight and keep it off in 2016. Simply buying a gadget or accessory will not help you lose weight, but it can deliver daily motivation and simplify your workouts, weight tracking and quantify your success.

Many of our favorites connect with the best weight loss apps to deliver a one-two punch of power, motivation and support that you need to lose weight and get in shape without paying a monthly fee. Weight loss tech can help give you an edge. We even include standing desks and sit-stand desks to help you lose weight.

We’ll focus on three main categories of weight loss accessories for iPhone and Android; fitness tracking, weight tracking and workout help. This is not a shopping list of magic weight loss tools. It is a list of the best gadgets and add-ons we could find to help get in shape and stay in shape. You can use these weight loss tips to get in better shape.

If your goal is to lose weight, you should not focus on exercise alone as this can quickly backfire when time is short or stress is high. A study found participants often lose more weight with dieting alone compared to exercise alone, but a combination is best. We’ll show you weight loss accessories and gadgets that will help you in both categories.

There are no shortage of weight loss accessories for iPhone and Android, which means we can offer several options across a range of must have accessories and fitness gadgets so that you can pick the one that fits your needs and your budget.

During 2015 I used some of this weight loss tech with the iPhone 6s and recently the Apple Watch to lose 25 pounds.

Here are the best weight loss gadgets you need to lose weight and keep it off in 2016, and a breakdown of why each one is important.

Smart Scale

A smart scale that connects to your iPhone or Android is a good way to quickly track your weight and log it so that you know what direction your weight loss is going. Yes, you can step on any old scale to get an idea of how much you weigh and add it to a weight loss app like Lose It or MyFitnessPal, but with the a smartscale that connects to Bluetooth or WiFi you can automatically log your weight just by stepping on the scale each morning.

A recent study from PLOS One found that the more often a dieter weighed in the more weight they lost. Cornell highlights this study that found the longest you should go without weighing in is 5.8 days. Any longer and you run the risk of falling out of habits. Keep in mind that your weight changes throughout the week. Some studies indicate that you weigh the most on Sunday night and the least on Wednesday or Friday morning.

These small fluctuations during the weekends and day to day don’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but weighing yourself, and tracking it can help you lose weight. “The bottom line is: If you want to lose weight, it’s best to weigh yourself every day.” advises Brian Wansink, PhD, Director of the Cornell Food and Brand Lab.

Fitness Trackers

If you need added motivation to get moving and stay active, you may want to add a fitness tracker to your life. If you own a smartphone made in the last two or three years, you’re already carrying around a fitness tracker that can deliver what you need, although not in the most wearable version.

Buying a fitness tracker alone will not make you lose weight, but it can keep you accountable to yourself or help develop friendly competition. You can join communities within a tracker and you can also compare with friends even when they use a different tracker.

During the last several months I’ve tracked my activity, received reminders to move when I am too sedentary and compared steps taken and other activity with my mom.

Fitness Accessories

The biggest part of my weight loss journey is eating better, but working out is a key component that allows me to get through periods where weight loss slowed even with good eating habits and it helped build a better stress relief than eating bad food.

If you don’t love working out or running, I’ve found that having the right gear to help get through a workout is essential to sticking with a plan. With a great armband and bluetooth headphones I am able to easily get ready, get out the door and get some exercise.

Here are the best smart scales, fitness trackers and accessories you should check out in 2016.

Fitbit Aria Smart Scale
 The Fitbit Aria Smart Scale connects to your WiFi network so that when you step on the scale it sends the data to your account where it can then sync to other fitness tracking apps. Like most of these options the Fitbit Aria tracks weight, body fat and BMI. The scale supports up to 8 users identifying them automatically when they step on to the scale.

You don't need to use a Fitbit to use this scale, and it can connect into other apps to sync weight and body fat data.


Do weight loss herbs really help you achieve the figure you want

Striving to lose weight can lead to trying many types of diets that you hope will work. The truth that many should know is that dieting is a roller coaster that can actually diminish your chances of losing weight as opposed to eating a healthy diet and getting exercise. But if you want to encourage your body to lose weight you can use weight loss herbs to enhance the process.

When you diet your metabolism is lowered. It will not rebound back to where it should be with chronic dieting and can lead to more severe health issues. However taking supplements that are natural and made to enhance your system will boost your natural metabolic rate and encourage your goal in losing weight. Here is a good blog on the subject.

Eating right is also a factor as you use medicinal herbs. It will aid in the overall plan to have you feeling better and shedding pounds. Complete the regimen with exercising regularly. A good three times a week with a thirty minute exercise plan can greatly increase your chances of losing weight.

Herbal supplements to increase weight loss can also be highly effective when you cleanse your body from those things that are already in it and can block your body from working properly. Try using a whole body natural cleanse at the beginning of the process to enhance your goals. This way the weight loss herbs can be highly effective.

Continue using the herbs on a regular basis and give it a chance to work. Also eat a diet high in fiber that will enhance your body natural goals to omit the products in it that it does not need. The fiber will clean out and deter anything from getting clogged up in your system. If you are not sure what foods are high in fiber it is easy to find out and you may be surprised what is out there at your disposal.

Drinking the recommended daily allowance of water each day will also help you in your quest for weight loss. The highest issue with people who cannot seem to lose weight and are following all the other recommended tasks is that they do not drink enough water. It is a simple and easy thing to do, yet overlooked. Drink water to lose weight.

When you add all of these things together you can effectively manage and lower your weight effectively. Give it thirty days and see how you feel. You will be surprised how effective this process can be. So do not detriment your efforts with dieting and try weight loss herbs instead.


Can a purple flower help you drop a dress size? Experts say weight-loss pill made from purple chrysanthemum helps adults shed half a stone in 12 weeks

Scientists have harnessed the power of a purple flower to develop a natural weight-loss pill that has helped women drop a dress size in only 12 weeks.

Overweight adults in a trial were able to shed half a stone simply by taking one of the tablets daily - without dieting or sticking to a stringent exercise regime.

The remarkable results – unveiled in the journal Nutrition Research – suggest the treatment is four times as effective as fat-busting drugs currently on the market.

And there are also no side-effects as the key ingredient is a flower which grows freely in the Far East.

The type of purple chrysanthemum – called Aster spathulifolius Maxim (ASM) – is eaten as a vegetable in Korea but academics there have been investigating its health properties.

Researchers from Kyung Hee University chose 41 men and women with a Body Mass Index of between 25 and 30, which is classed as clinically obese in Asia.

On average, participants were 5ft 6in tall but tipped the scales at 12 stone and had a 38-inch waist.

Split into two groups, 21 of them were given pills made from an extract of ASM while the rest were handed placebos, one tablet to be taken every day after breakfast.

Both sets were given advice about healthy eating but told to maintain regular diet and physical activity patterns.

Calorie intake was monitored as part of the study and found to be roughly equivalent in each group.

After twelve weeks, those taking placebos had seen no marked difference in their BMI, weight or waistline.

But the group with ASM supplements had seen significant changes.

Each participant had typically shed just over seven pounds and now had a waistline of less than 35.5 inches while average BMI dropped from 27 to 26.

Manufactured drugs on the market would usually achieve these results after a year’s treatment though with an accompanying risk of side-effects such as stomach upsets and headaches.

The study states: ‘Less than 5 per cent of individuals attempting to lose weight do so through the use of prescription drugs.

‘This might be due to concerns about drug-related adverse events or medication cost.

‘Although several dietary supplements for reducing body weight have been developed and studied, their effects are not convincing.’

But it adds: ‘[In our study], supplementation of ASM significantly decreased body weight and fat mass without serious adverse events in obese humans.

‘[These] results suggest that it is a promising and efficacious food supplement for the management of obesity.’

The team had previously successfully tried out ASM on rats and studied how it reacts with types of fats under the microscope but this is the first time it had been tested on people.

They suspect that the results may be down to the flower possessing a key ingredient called chlorogenic acid.

This alters the body’s metabolism, sending signals which prompt the body to use fat for energy rather than store it.

The National Obesity Forum gave the findings a qualified welcome.

Spokesman Tam Fry said: ‘Pills to allow you to drop dress sizes are two-a-penny and it is the foolhardy that believe the hype without due caution.

‘But because the ingredient is natural there just might be something in it.

‘Remember that Stevia, a small plant from faraway Peru, has allowed beverage companies to drop quantities of calories from their products - and dress sizes will drop because of it.’

ASM is a perennial plant found near coastlines in Japan, Korea, China and eastern Russia.

Previous studies have shown its extract can protect against the flu virus, tumour growth and diabetes. 


Tip #7: Natural Supplement To Accerlate Weight Loss

Many people find that they put on weight because of a nutrient deficiency, flaxseed works to combat this as it is full of omega-3s which will make up for these shortages and that will make all the difference. Flaxseed is also filling so it will keep you feeling full until your next meal and stop you from snacking on unhealthy treats and snacks. You can sprinkle a spoonful of it over your salad or on top of a bowl of soup. It is also great in smoothies and you will notice the difference to your overall health and wellbeing almost immediately. Flaxseed is a great source of natural health and is also fabulous to take when you are trying to lose weight.
What’s Next?

Now you’ve learned about all the natural supplements you can take to help you to lose weight healthily. Remember, a spoonful of what we’ve talked about so far would make a great difference in your healthy diet. Practice including these natural supplements in your everyday diet and you’ll be able to stay fit and healthy!

Quick Recap of All the Natural Supplements

  •     Raw Organic Honey
  •     Coconut Oil
  •     Fresh Ginger
  •     Lemon Juice
  •     Cacao Powder
  •     Avocado

The post Tip #7: Natural Supplement To Accelerate Weight Loss appeared first on Lifehack.
